iPhone apps
Building iPhone Apps
For the last few weeks, on Mondays, I get myself over to the new Ford Building on the Smith College Campus. Now, I’m the first to admit, I am not a programmer. However, as a designer I’m intrigued with development and thus am assisting Lou Franco with ‘testing’ some chapters of his soon-to-be-published book.
Lou has the patience of a saint. St. iPhone or St. Xcoder is how I like to refer to him. He is a great teacher! In class, he sometimes tends to run through code pretty quickly when he is showing examples.
Some of the stuff we cover in our workshop goes over my head….Lou does move thru the information. But I am happy-no, I am joyous to say, I get most of it! I mean, come on everyone has an idea for an iPhone app. A few that have just recently come to mind:
- A Shit List App: something you could interface with that would assist you in being sure others met your criteria for being on your Shit List. And, of course, there would be some type of meter or rating system. Maybe it could even connect with your Contact list? Humm…..the possibilities. [Note: this is obviously a bit of a joke here. Then again, who knows….maybe there is something to this. Humm.].
- Then there is this behavioral app I’m working on….I can’t reveal the name just yet….let’s just say the market is for parents to use when their child isn’t behaving in the manner the parent prefers. This one is still in development stages.
- And then, an app to help you ‘know’ what types of organic foods are currently ‘ripe and ready-to-pick’. This needs to coordinate with locate organic farmers and dovetail with their crop growth charts….however, I firmly believe there is a need for this. Especially, as we grow more conscious of the foods we eat, where we buy those foods and in getting the freshest possible foods-locally.
If you have an idea for an iPhone app [or iPad app for that matter]. Leave me a comment….maybe we can get started on one. After all, I have a classroom full of Techie-Developers all of whom I am sure would love to develop a iPhone app.