Oru Kayak
Oru Kayak is dedicated to sharing the wonder and discovery of the great outdoors— even for city dwellers. They believe spending time outdoors makes people healthier, happier, and more productive….
FaceTime with Beijing
If someone had told me 18 years ago I’d be holding a small video camera and communicating ‘live’ with my daughter…I probably would have said, ‘Shut up!’
A New Levenger Product Review
The roll-back cover on Otto my iPad is beginning to show the wear and tear of everyday use. So, I’ve been starting to shop around for a new iPad cover. Since I’ve recently discovered Levenger as a source to a bindery issue I had with my B Calendars. I stopped by their site to […]
Charlotte’s Daisy: Great Customer Service for a Specific Audience
Preparing customer service training can take all sorts of approaches. Some times just observing excellent customer service in action and noting how it works serves as the best reminder.
The B Calendar Binding
I had been struggling with a binding method for a project I’ve been working on.
Change: Always the Same
Change: Always the same. Well, sort of. Things are always changing, sometimes at the speed of light. In the blink of an eye, our lives change. In fact, we are always changing.
iNACOL Virtual School Symposium 2012
Later this month I will be heading to the Virtual School Symposium being held in New Orleans by iNOCOL the International Association for K-12 Online Learning.
CELT: Connecting Education, Leadership and Technology
I had the pleasure to attend a small, powerful conference at the elegant Hotel Northampton yesterday sponsored by CELT: Connecting Education, Leadership and Technology. Keynote speaker Kathleen H. McClaskey from Personalized Learning spoke about how to move towards student led learning and how students need: motivation, engagement & voice in their learning. She emphasized […]
QR Codes for the Vision Impaired
The company Digital Miracles L.L.C. is able to create braille QR codes which can be read by an iPhone Digit-Eye Audio Scanner & Labeler Application called Digit-Eyes and can be purchased for $19.99. Briefly, the vision impaired person would feel the printed QR code, scan it using the iPhone application and the smartphone tells […]
QR Codes Used for Verbal Practice
Imagine a language student being able to listen to pronunciation along with a study guide. With a QR code embedded on a vocabulary sheet, students can download a mp3 file and listen along as they study. Audio files can be created for any lecture or instruction where an auditory experience would enhance the learning.