STCC Around learn about online learning. June 16, 2020 radio interview.
Meet Them Where They Are!
The title of my EDU7244 curriculum poster is: Meet Them Where They Are!
My essential question is:
How can online faculty design their course curricular and pedagogical approaches to engage Hispanic students?
The first version has bold-face-font on the authors. I thought that helped define and break up the body copy.
Finding Your Way – Hess’s Tips for Education Reformers
Excerpt from the Finding My Way article Letters to a Young Education Reformer (2017) by Hess.
- Jobs aren’t forever: step in, do some good, learn, grow and meet people
- Value in working from the inside and the outside. Opportunities as arrayed along a continuum that spans from inside to outside the halls of power. Insiders are at the table where the decisions are being made. Outsiders are freer to speak their minds, spin radical solutions & push new ideas. These are just different, be willing to work both sides and move between them.
- Watch out for thought bubbles and people who only think in a single way.
- Do your job. Contribute, do stuff, even small stuff, one person can’t ‘fix’ education…however, one person can contribute. Your voice needs to be heard.
- Follow the Golden Rule
- Embrace the 90-10 rule: 90% in your hands and 10% is out of your hands. Focus on the 90%. Do your job, be detailed and organized and when the 10% goes wrong, think on your feet tof make it right.
- Make deposits in the favor bank. Everything operates on favors. Pay attention to detail, people appreciate the little things.
- Presume good intentions
- Don’t get too impressed with yourself
- Sweat the small stuff: planning, deadlines and details
- Unleash your brain, solve problems & look for opportunities to plan, write or take responsibility for a project or program.
- Keep you word-other people want to be able to rely upon you.
College UnBound
August 16, 2020 my classmate Brandee Idleman and I reviewed the text College (Un) Bound by Jeffery J. Selingo. This text is a bit dated [2013] however, its ideas ring true now in 2020. Listen to our thoughts.
Brene Brown shows us all how to create empathy. Be brave and learn how to create a genuine empathic connection to really get in touch with our own fragilities.
Transformed a pirate shop & a superhero store into true educational entrepreneurship enterprises
Dave Eggers Video
I knew of McSweeney’s however, I didn’t know that Dave Eggers was affiliated. I’m sad the Dave Eggers video was presented the last week of this course -as an optional exercise -this was one of the best things that was offered in this particular course and it’s a bit sad that it came at the very end of the course. I would highly recommend this go as the first video any future student, of this course, sees.
What did you get out of this?
That said what I got out of this was an extremely inspiring TED Talk and emphasis of how an entrepreneur does what they need to do. How Dave Eggers was able to transform pirate shops, superhero stores and a vast number of other outward-facing spaces and transform them into tutoring centers for students right where the community needed them is a true educational entrepreneurship Enterprise.
Dave Eggers took an idea, a simple idea, and scaled it by using communities and individuals all of them helped public education in a most unique way. What I love dearly is how Dave Eggers encountered every obstacle and found a way around it in an amusing humorous approach.